Pressure Equipment regulatory compliance
Numerous in the industry, these equipment are one of the main risk factors. Their surveillance is regulated, and special attention must be paid to their construction, operation, maintenance, control and repairs.
Blue EnerFreeze lists your Pressure Equipment park and accompanies you in their regulatory monitoring:
- Our experts visit your plants to detect and identify the equipment to control.
- We upload your equipment information into your dedicated space on our WEB Platform.
Consult your digital dashboard to have a complete overview of your pressure Equipment park. Easily manage the frequency of technical visits and the types of actions to be carried out: periodic inspections and re-qualifications of equipment.
Dematerialize and digitalize the monitoring of your Pressure Equipment park
View the Pressure Equipment dedicated to a site to check the latest and upcoming technical regulatory visits
Receive Alerting E-mail of upcoming regulatory deadlines
Comply with regulations through a user-friendly digital tool
Our expertise
- The Smart Data solution for your warehousesLearn more
Monitor your refrigerant plants (temperatures, technical alarms) through our global connected supervision system.
- Power supply securityLearn more
Secure your electricity supply to cope with untimely power cuts and tomaintain minimal operational activity through back-up power generators.